Voice Search SEO Techniques for

Voice Search SEO | 21 Sep, 2023

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A mere couple of decades in the past, talking to robots like Siri and Alexa was something you'd only see in sci-fi movies. But now, it's a part of our everyday lives. When we want to find a nearby pharmacy, or want to discover a local gym, or even book a spa day, we just ask for our voice-activated devices. We use them so much that they've become a normal way to search for things online.

However, there's a trick to it: when we talk to our devices, we don't use the same words as when we type on a keyboard. So, if you run an online store, it's important to understand how voice search works and how to make it work for your business. In this blog, we'll explain the basics of Voice Search SEO for E-Commerce and how it can help your online store succeed.

Voice commands and searches are booming. In 2020, lots of people bought smart speakers—over 150 million! Many folks aged 25-49 use voice devices every day (65%), and nearly a third of web searches happened without screens. This has big implications for e-commerce.

Why should you prioritize optimizing for voice search?

Optimizing for voice search is no longer just a passing trend; it's rapidly becoming the norm. In the United States, about 40% of internet users regularly use voice assistants, mostly on smartphones and smart speakers. Predictions suggest that the number of smart speakers in the U.S. will exceed 200 million by 2023. Importantly, voice search is not confined to a specific industry; it presents a valuable opportunity to attract organic search traffic.

When you target voice search, you reach a fresh audience relying on voice-enabled devices to find businesses and make purchases. Additionally, optimizing for voice can enhance your site's overall SEO and ranking, as search engines favor voice search-optimized websites, potentially securing top positions in voice search results.

How Voice Search Operates in Ecommerce Stores?

Voice search for ecommerce stores offers customers the convenience of searching for products using only their voices, eliminating the need for manual keyboard input. If you're already familiar with voice assistants like Apple's Siri or Amazon's Alexa, you'll find that voice search for ecommerce operates similarly.

Voice search in ecommerce stores works by using smart technology that understands and recognizes human speech. It combines computer science and language understanding to let people search for products by talking instead of typing. This technology doesn't just identify the words and phrases you say; it also knows the sounds that make up each word. Customers can easily start a voice search by tapping the microphone icon on their device.

Unlike manual searches where typos or misspellings can occur, voice search AI is designed to understand and adapt to variations in pronunciation. Just as search engines suggest corrections for misspelled words in text searches, voice search AI can offer suggestions for words that may have been mispronounced, enhancing the overall user experience.

Voice Search SEO Tips for E-commerce

Optimizing for Voice Search with Long-Tail Keywords

Voice search differs from text queries, as it often involves detailed, question-like phrases. To enhance your voice search optimization, focus on long-tail keywords, especially those framed as questions. These multi-word queries attract users with specific intentions. To identify these keywords, think of common question words like "who," "what," "when," "where," and "how." Incorporate them into your content, providing concise, informative answers. Consider creating an FAQ section to cover various queries comprehensively, improving your chances of appearing in voice search results and Google's featured snippets.

Use Natural Language for Voice Search Optimization

Voice searches are all about conversational language. People express queries in various ways, and even the same question may be phrased differently. Regional differences in terminology are also important to consider. To reach a broad audience, use diverse terms that people might employ. For instance, if you sell shoes, you'd want to use both "sneakers" and "tennis shoes."

Remember, voice searches are inherently conversational. Adopt a casual and authentic tone in your content. Incorporate conversational words like "I," "me," "you," and "we." Avoid jargon and overly technical language. Adding a touch of humor can engage your audience. Maintain the essence of your brand voice but lean towards a more relaxed style. Quality remains paramount. Write your content as if you were speaking it aloud, ensuring it delights and provides value to users. Google rewards high-quality, user-focused content.

Emphasize Local SEO for Voice Search Success

Local SEO is essential for businesses, especially those with physical locations. It's also a key factor in voice search optimization. Picture this: someone does a voice search on their smartphone while out and about, likely looking for nearby places like restaurants or shops. To excel in voice search, focus on improving your local SEO.

One crucial step is creating and maintaining a Google Business Profile. This listing appears when someone searches for "______ near me" and provides vital details like your location, contact info, hours, and directions. It's your digital storefront for attracting voice search users looking for local solutions.

Claim Google Position 0 for Voice Searches

Just as you aim for Google's Position 0 in traditional searches, the goal remains the same for voice searches. Position 0 refers to featured snippets that Google places at the top of search results, driving more traffic to your website and potentially converting visitors into customers.

To succeed in voice search optimization, it's essential to offer precise responses to particular inquiries. For instance, if a user inquires about the "best practices for planting roses in a garden," provide a clear and concise answer: "Select a sunny location, enrich the soil with compost, dig a hole twice the size of the root ball, and maintain regular watering. Pruning in early spring promotes optimal growth." By providing this straightforward guidance, your content stands a better chance of achieving the coveted Position 0 for voice searches related to rose gardening.

Enhance SEO with Schema Markup

Schema markup isn't just for voice search; it boosts your on-page SEO overall. This structured data, added to your website's HTML, provides crucial business details to search engines, like hours, address, and reviews. While invisible to humans, it helps indexing bots understand your content, improving search visibility and increasing clicks. Schema markup makes your site more relevant, increasing the chances of appearing in voice search results.

Prioritize Mobile Optimization

With mobile devices driving over half of global internet traffic, optimizing for mobile is crucial for improving e-commerce sales with voice search. What's more, 27% of mobile users employ voice search. Google values the mobile user experience, influencing its rankings. To excel in both text and voice search, adopt responsive design and enhance your website's mobile-friendliness. This step is essential to stay competitive in the world of voice search and ensure you capture a wider audience.

Guarantee Rapid Website Performance

Have you considered your website's speed? It's widely acknowledged that a page must load in under two seconds to maintain a seamless user experience. Just like mobile optimization, page load time is a Google ranking factor influencing your presence in voice search results and more. It's all about user experience – Google aims to provide results that satisfy users, and sluggish websites don't make anyone happy.

In Conclusion

Voice search is no longer a newcomer; it's a significant player in the SEO domain. As technology advances and its usage grows, integrating E-commerce voice search marketing into your ecommerce marketing strategy is imperative. Optimizing for voice search ensures you tap into this vital segment, particularly for local businesses seeking increased website and foot traffic. By applying the strategies outlined above, you not only elevate your visibility in voice search but also strengthen your overall SEO performance. This is a valuable opportunity that should not be overlooked.